Thursday, April 24, 2008

The Optimization of Fructosyltransferase Production
by Aspergillus sp WNIC

Aris Toharisman, Triantarti dan Hendro Santoso M
Indonesian Sugar Research Institute


Fructo Oligo Saccharides (FOS) which are considered biological benefits, have been developed recently to be used as functional factors in health-food. FOS show low cariogenicity, nondigestibility, proliferation of bifidobacteria in human intestinal tract and dietary fiberlike action. FOS posses these unique health beneficial effects and can be found wide applications in food and pharmaceutical industries. FOS are natural bifidobacteria enhancers. These natural food ingredients can maintain microbial balance in intestinal tract and be called functional factors or nutraceauticals. Prospect of FOS can be applied on variety of foods as a sweetener in hard candy, dessert, topping and spread, soft cream, bread, drinks, dairy products, sweeten milk, feeds and pharmaceutical industry. Addition of FOS in food not only provides biological functionality but also improves the final products appearance and physical properties. The aim of this research was to produce FOS from sucrose by using fructocyltransferase (FT-ase) from Aspergillus sp. Research on the production of fructo-oligosaccharrides (FOS) was optimization of FTase production. Inoculum of selected Aspergillus was added into medium with various composition and incubation conditions. Enzyme solution was mixed with sucrose and incubated at various times, pHs, temperatures, and agitations. The best parameter condition was based on the highest FT-ase activity. The results showed that production of FT-ase was affected by Fermentation time, pH’s and incubation temperature. The carbon source tested permitted good growth and enzyme production where sucrose supported rather good enzyme production. It was obvious that enzyme production was not closely correlated with cell growth. The best Fructooligosaccharide yield (20,53%) was achieved when 20 g/100 ml sucrose was utilized. Yeast extract was good nitrogen source for enzym production. The best FT-ase activity was achieved when 1,2 g/100 ml yeast extract was utilized. Addition of mineral salt also enhanced enzyme production where 1 g/l Magnesium salt gave the best cell growth and enzyme production.
Keywords: sucrose, fructooligosaccharide, fructosyltransferase, alternative sweetener

Monday, April 21, 2008

Chromatographic Separation of Sugarcane Thick Juice
for High Fructose Syrup

Yahya Kurniawani dan Hendro Santoso M

Indonesian Sugar Research Institute
Jl.Pahlawan 25 Pasuruan 67126


This paper reports a study of chromatographic separation process of glucose-fructose mixtures. The experiments was conducted in laboratory scale using a column filled with 1800 ml of resin as stationary phase and aquades as mibile phase or eluent. The chromatographic separation was to study the fractionation of sugarcane thick juice after a preparation step which included decolorization, demineralization and inversion. Experiment conditions included the use of two resins (different in size) in the form of Calcium in 1000 ml column, feed volume 300 ml, temperature 550 C and flow rate 10 ml per minute and fractionation time of 10 minutes. The first treatment used below 50 mesh resin and the second between 50-100 mesh. The composition of glucose and fructose was determined using polarimetric method. Other analyses were done for brix using hand refractometer and Ph using Ph meter. Results showed that the glucose-fructose component of the juice was not so high in the first treatment but the separation was quite well in the second treatment. The results of the second treatment showed that chromatographic separation for the treated thick cane juice could produce good separation in both 65,30% brix glucose and 34,66% brix fructose mixture and in a high fructose content mixture composed of 47,26% brix glucose and 57,66% brix fructose. Therefore, it is posible to produce two kinds of products without isomerization step as follows: the first product was HFS 55 which contain 55% fructose and the second product was HFS 42 which contain 42% fructose. The analysis of these products showed that the quality could meet SNI standard except the ash content.

Keywords : chromatograpy, thick cane juice, hihg fructose syrup.

(MAJALAH IPTEK Vol.16, No. 2, Mei 2005)

Sunday, April 20, 2008

Effect of Added Inoculum and Di-potasium hydrogen phosphate Concentration on the Fermentation of Dextran Production

Triantarti dan Hendro Santoso M

Indonesian Sugar Research Institute
Jl.Pahlawan 25 Pasuruan 67126


Dextran production is conducted by fermentation by using Leuconostoc mesenteriodes which produces dextransucrase enzyme. Sucrose is converted to dextran by dextransucrase. Sucrose is a main carbon source in dextran fermentation. Hence, sugar cane juice mainly contains sucrose is potential material for dextran fermentation. The effect of inoculum concentration added at the beginning of fermentation of di-potasium hydrogen phosphate concentration in the medium were studied. L. Mesenteriodes B-512F was used. The results showed that there were no effect on optimum growth and dextran production when the inoculum concentration added at 1% and 5% (v/v). The only difference was inoculum at 1% (v/v) delaying the growth and dextran formation in comparison to the addition of 5% (v/v) inoculum. The optimum growth and dextran production were affected by di-potasium hydrogen phosphate concentration in the medium (0,5 ; 1,0 and 1,5% w/v). The growth was highest at di-potasium hydrogen phosphate concentration 1,5% w/v. On the otherhand, dextran production was lower compared to the other treatments.

Keywords: dextran,fermentation,inoculum, di-potasium hydrogen phosphate.

Saturday, April 19, 2008

Isolation of Aspergillus niger For Producing Fructosyltransferase Enzyme

Hendro Santoso M ; Triantarti dan Aris Toharisman

(Indonesian Sugar Research Institute
Jl.Pahlawan 25 Pasuruan 67126)


The use of sucrose as a raw material for fructooligosaccharides (FOS) production is one of sugar industry diversification programs. FOS, new alternative sweeteners, possess a number of desirable characteristic such as low calories, no cariogenicity, safety for diabetics, and bifidus-stimulating functionality. FOS was produced from sucrose by using fructocyltransferase (FTase) from Aspergillus sp. The aim of this research was to isolate and screen of molds for producing Fructosyltransferase enzyme. Microbes producing FTase were isolated and screened from filter cake, bagasse, cane juice, and soil samples. Results showed that some isolates were regarded as prospective FTase producers such as Wonolangan 1C, Watutulis 3B, Wonolangan 1B, Watutulis 1C and Pesantren. The best FT-ase activity was produced by Wonolangan 1C isolate with the activity of 667 unit per ml (U/ml), followed by Watutulis 3B, Wonolangan 1B, Watutulis 1C and Pesantren with the activity of enzyme was 586 U/ml, 577 U/ml, 461 U/ml, and 451 U/ml, respectively. The best FOS concentration was produced by Wonolangan 1C strain with 16,91% yield.

Key words: isolation, FTase enzyme,Fructooligosacharide, alternative sweetener.

Wednesday, April 2, 2008

Effect of Atrazine Herbicide toward Population of Bacteria and Fungi in some Sugarcane Soil types
D. Sasongko

Indonesian Sugar Research Institute
E-mail :


The effect of atrazine herbicide on population of bacteria and fungi in rizosphere soil was studied in glass house with sugarcane susceptible and tolerant varieties and in the laboratory with petridish containing some 0, 5, 10, 20 and 40 ppm of atrazine. These studied was done at Indonesian Sugar Research Institute in some soil types (Vertizol, Entizol and Ultizol). The result showed that population of bacteria in sugarcane rizosphere was increase at 30 days after planting (dap) and the population still increase until 60 dap in Vertizol, Entizol and Ultizol soil. Only population of fungi was increase in Entizol soil at 30 dap and at 60 dap the population was decrease in all soil types. Application of atrazine dose 6.0 kg/ha at 30 days after spraying (das) was affect on decreases population of bacteria more than 80% toward population at 15 das in sugarcane rizosphere of susceptible variety but not affect in sugarcane rizosphere of tolerant variety. At 30 das, population of fungi in sugarcane rizosphere (susceptible and tolerant varieties) was decrease more than 50% toward population at 15 das in three soil types. Laboratory studied showed that 5 ppm of atrazine (equal dose 7,5 kg/ha) or more, population of bacteria and fungi in Vertizol, Entizol and Ultizol soils was affected.
Key words : atrazine, sugarcane rizosphere, bacteria, fungi.
(Indonesian Sugar Research Journal Vol.42,No.1-2, Maret-Juni 2006)

Effect of Substituting Pure Sucrose by Sugarcane Juice
as Carbon Source on the Fermentation of Dextran Production

Triantarti dan Hendro Santoso M

Indonesian Sugar Research Institute
Jl.Pahlawan 25 Pasuruan 67126


Sucrose is a carbon source for dextran fermentation and it is also used as a substrate of dextransucrase enzyme for producing dextran. Sugar cane juice containing sucrose as a main sugar, hence it is potential to be used as a cheap medium for dextran fermentation. This research was conducted to study the dextran fermentation using sugar cane juice as a medium.
Two main experiments were done in this research. The first experiment was determining the optimum medium composition for dextran fermentation using pure sucrose as a carbon source by variations on type and concentrations of yeast extract and buffering minerals. The second experiment was conducted to determine the effect of substituting pure sucrose in the fermentation medium by sugar cane juice. Fermentation was conducted at static condition, room temperature and 16-20 h fermentation time. The results showed that the optimum conditions for dextran fermentation using pure sucrose were sucrose 20%, yeast extract 0,75% (technical grade yeast extract was able to be used) and K2HPO4 or Na2HPO4 1% as minerals for buffering medium. Dextran production was able to reach 51 mg/g medium. The optimum medium composition and fermentation conditions were used as a control medium. In the second experiment, pure sucrose in the control medium was substituted by sugar cane juice with variations of 0; 50, 75 and 100%. Technical grade yeast extract was still added at 0,75%. The result showed that the higher sugar cane juice concentration the lower dextran production in the fermentation. On the other hand, medium fermentation containing 100% sugar cane juice without yeast extract was able to produce 45 mg dextran/g medium, which was not significantly different to dextran production from control medium. This experiment showed that sugar cane juice was a potential material as a cheap carbon source for dextran fermentation..

Key words : Dextran, sugar cane juice, carbon source.

(Jurnal ILMU DASAR, Vol.8No.2, Juli 2007 : 193-198.