Saturday, April 19, 2008

Isolation of Aspergillus niger For Producing Fructosyltransferase Enzyme

Hendro Santoso M ; Triantarti dan Aris Toharisman

(Indonesian Sugar Research Institute
Jl.Pahlawan 25 Pasuruan 67126)


The use of sucrose as a raw material for fructooligosaccharides (FOS) production is one of sugar industry diversification programs. FOS, new alternative sweeteners, possess a number of desirable characteristic such as low calories, no cariogenicity, safety for diabetics, and bifidus-stimulating functionality. FOS was produced from sucrose by using fructocyltransferase (FTase) from Aspergillus sp. The aim of this research was to isolate and screen of molds for producing Fructosyltransferase enzyme. Microbes producing FTase were isolated and screened from filter cake, bagasse, cane juice, and soil samples. Results showed that some isolates were regarded as prospective FTase producers such as Wonolangan 1C, Watutulis 3B, Wonolangan 1B, Watutulis 1C and Pesantren. The best FT-ase activity was produced by Wonolangan 1C isolate with the activity of 667 unit per ml (U/ml), followed by Watutulis 3B, Wonolangan 1B, Watutulis 1C and Pesantren with the activity of enzyme was 586 U/ml, 577 U/ml, 461 U/ml, and 451 U/ml, respectively. The best FOS concentration was produced by Wonolangan 1C strain with 16,91% yield.

Key words: isolation, FTase enzyme,Fructooligosacharide, alternative sweetener.

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