Louisiana State UniversityAgricultural Center Audubon Sugar Institute, St. Gabriel, La. 70776
KEYWORDS: Colour, Removal, Clarification, Iron.
IN ORDER TOoperate most profitably, the sugar producers in Louisiana wish to engage in a cooperative arrangement with the sugar refineries. Because the sugar refinery is an industrial scale decolouriser that operates using natural gas as fuel, it makes sense that sugar with less colour, produced using bagasse-power, would likely have greater profit margins. The removal of phenolic colorants from raw juice using native cane protein as a vehicle and Fe3+ as an oxidative catalyst was studied. Colour was removed as phenolprotein conjugates which rapidly precipitated with the addition of a cationic flocculant. The decanted juice was clarified via cold-liming. The treatment yielded clarified juice with up to 70% lower colour than hot-liming juice. It appears that the phenolics were oxidised by Fe3+ which engaged a REDOX cycle yielding quinoid species. The free N-ε amino groups of lysine in the albuminoid proteins appeared to add to the quinones. Stoichiometry indicated a degree of polymerisation of eight. Oligomer formation ceased at this length which appeared sufficient to facilitate irreversiblecross-linking and/or capping of the protein. The aggregates of iron, lignol(s) and protein were insoluble and precipitated. The process was tested in a 150 L settling clarifier which was operated in both pulsed and continuous modes. The method scaled well and the product juice exhibited 50–60% less colour than a cold-limed control when Fe3+ was applied in quantities ranging from 100–200 mg/L.
Wednesday, January 18, 2017
Friday, October 18, 2013
Pusat Penelitian Perkebunan Gula Indonesia, Jl Pahlawan 25 Pasuruan
Penyediaan bibit varietas tebu unggul baru secara cepat mempunyai peranan yang
penting dalam menghambat terjadinya proses degenerasi klonal. Perbanyakan bibit melalui
bagal mikro mempunyai keunggulan antara lain lebih cepat dan efisien dalam pengiriman
bibit. Penelitian yang bertujuan untuk mengetahui tingkat multiplikasi bagal mikro telah
dilaksanakan di hardening kebun percobaan Pusat Penelitian Perkebunan Gula Indonesia,
Pasuruan. Penelitian disusun menurut rancangan acak kelompok dengan 4 perlakuan
kombinasi varietas dan prosedur kultur jaringan. Dua macam varietas yang digunakan adalah
PS 851 dan PS 951 dan terdapat 2 prosedur kultur jaringan yaitu kultur pucuk dan kultur
kalus. Setiap perlakuan diulang 3 kali. Penelitian ini terdiri atas 2 bagan percobaan masingmasing menggunakan polibag kecil (17,5 x 8 cm) dan polibag besar (18 x 23 cm).
Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa jumlah batang per rumpun semakin menurun
seiring dengan semakin bertambahnya umur tanaman. Jumlah mata tunas viable per rumpun
asal kultur pucuk lebih baik pada perlakuan polibag kecil. Sementara itu pada polibag besar
tidak nyata, tergantung varietasnya. Tingkat multiplikasi bagal mikro dari bibit polibag besar
lebih tinggi dibandingkan dengan polibag kecil. Pada umur 4 bulan tingkat multiplikasi varietas
PS 851 pada polibag kecil berkisar antara 28–37 kali dan PS 951 adalah 19 kali. Tingkat
multiplikasi varietas PS 851 pada polibag besar berkisar antara 38–43 kali dan untuk PS
951 berkisar antara 21–27 kali. Pada umur 6 bulan tingkat multiplikasi bagal mikro dari bibit
polibag kecil adalah 26–41 kali dan 16–33 kali masing-masing untuk varietas PS 851 dan
PS 951. Sementara itu tingkat multiplikasi bagal mikro dari bibit polibag besar adalah 39–
42 dan 28–33 kali berturut-turut untuk PS 851 dan PS 951. Tingkat multiplikasi PS 851 lebih
tinggi dibandingkan dengan PS 951.
Kata kunci: tebu, bagal mikro, multiplikasi, kultur jaringan
Rapid preparation of new superior sugar cane variety has an important role in inhibiting
the occurrence of clone degeneration process. Seedling multiplication through micro cutting
has several advantages including its delivery that is rapid and more efficient. This research
was aimed to study the micro cutting multiplication which has been conducted in the hardening
of Pasuruan experiment station of Indonesian Sugar Research Institute. The research was
arranged as randomized block design with 4 combination treatments of varieties and tissue
culture procedures. There were 2 varieties used as a treatment i.e. PS 851 and PS 951 as
well as 2 tissue culture methods namely callus culture and shoot tip culture. Every treatment
was replicated 3 times. Experiment was conducted using small polybags (17,5 x 8 cm) and
large polybags (18 x 23 cm).
The results showed that the number of stalks per stool decreased by increasing the
plant age. The number of viable shoots per stool of shoot culture was better when the
plantlets were planted in small polybags compared to large polybags. Meanwhile the plants
planted in large polybags did not show significant result depending on the varieties.
Multiplication level of seedlings in large polybags was higher than that of small polybags. At
the age of 4 months, multiplication level of PS 851 and PS 951 in small polybags was
between 28-37 times and 19 times, respectively. Mean while multiplication level of PS 851
in large polybags was between 38-43 times and for PS 951 was in the range of 21-27 times.
At the age of 6 months, multiplication level of seedlings in small polybags was 26-41 times
and 16-33 times for PS 851 and PS 951, respectively, while in large polybags, it was 39-42
and 28-33 times for PS 851 and PS 951, respectively. The fact showed that multiplication
level of PS 851 was higher compared to PS 951.
Key words: cane, micro cuttings, multiplication, tissue culture
MPG/NDONESIAN SUGAR RESEARCH JOURNAL Vol. 44 No. 3 September 2008: 155-165
Pusat Penelitian Perkebunan Gula Indonesia/Indonesian Sugar Research Institute
Jl. Pahlawan 25, Pasuruan 67126
Telp. 0343-421086, Fax: 0343-421178
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