Wednesday, September 17, 2008

Feed value of sugarcane by-products


Ma. Lourdes I Dormido and Ma. Lourdes T. Escarilla

The Total Digestible Nutrients (TDN) values, indicative of the relative energy value of a food to an animal, were evaluated on cane tops of ten popular Philippine sugarcane varieties in the first study; and ten treatment combinations of cane tops, molasses and bagasse with some supplementation in the second study.
The TDN values of the cane tops sampled among the ten varieties had highly significant differences. The highest TDN value of 72.03 and crude fiber content of 39.16% were those of Phil. 7495. TDN values of Phil 7115, Phil 6553, Phil 58260, Phil 7779 and Phil 6607 were statistically comparable to Phil 7495.
The differences among the TDN values of the ten treatment combinations in the second study were highly significant. The treatment combination IX (cane tops-0; molasses-15% bagasse-85%+urea) yielded the highest TDN value (72.12), followed by combination VII (cane tops-42.5%; molasses-15%; Bagasse-42.5%+urea). Both treatments were statistically comparable.
The sugarcane farmers/millers with an integrated cattle production scheme may therefore choose their raw materials for feed from the figures presented, and also make the choices according to the availability of materials.

North Avenue, Diliman, Quezon City, Philippines, 1100
Tel. Nos# (632)928-7990; (632)928-0666

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