Saturday, January 5, 2013

The Advantages of Mechanical Clarification in Sugar Processing,

Marianne McKee, Ronnie Triche, Mary An Godshall, and Charley Richard, 
Sugar Processing Research Institute, Inc., New Orleans, LA, USA


Juice purification in sugar processing is known as clarification.  In this step of sugar processing, soluble and insoluble non-sucrose constituents are removed from raw juices.  Traditional clarification includes lime addition and heating of the juice in both sugarbeet and sugarcane processing.  In the sugarcane industry, anionic flocculants are used in addition to lime and heat to improve clarification or purification of the juice.  The sugarbeet industry uses carbonation in addition to lime and heat to purify the raw beet juice.  In this paper, we will examine mechanical clarification as a means to improve the quality of juice during sugar processing and further improve clarification.  Clarified and filtered juice samples were collected at a raw sugar factory equipped with Mecat Turbofilters (SF300) to improve the quality of clarified juice. These samples were analyzed for several quality parameters including pH, color, turbidity, ash, total polysaccharides, and starch.  In addition to these results, sediment and size of the particles in traditional clarified juice and filtered juice samples will be discussed. 

Abstract for an oral presentation at the SPRI 2012 Conference – March 11-14, 2012 at the Chateau Bourbon Hotel, New Orleans, Louisiana, USA

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