Thursday, July 17, 2008

Microbial Protein Enrichment of Sugarcane by-Products


Ma. Lourdes I. Dormido, Ma. Lucia C. Sanchez, Corazon H Pahilanga and Ma. Lourdes T. Escarrilla

Sugarcane farm wastes such as cane tops and trash are know to be good fodder for ruminants, however, they are not used to a great extent. Filter mud, a waste product of the sugar factory, is a plant nutrient source in its decomposed form. However, tons of filter mud are left in sugar mill yards. These waste products are potential sources of animal feed and organic fertilizer.
The effect of chemical and /or microbiological treatment of sugarcane farm wastes bagasse and filter mud has been studied at the Sugar Regulatory Administration.
Trichoderm a harzianum, a strain belonging to the cellulolytic fungus decomposers, was used to inoculate several substrate/treatments of sugarcane waste products. Each substrate consisted of different combinations of farm and factory wastes. The effect of microbial inoculation on the nitrogen content of the substrates was observed at measured time intervals. The microorganism was found to enrich the protein contents of the different substrates by 129% to 461% after the third day to the 34th day.
Six strains of Trichoderma inoculated on bagasse with and without ipil-ipil were evaluated and compared for their nitrogen enriching capacity. One day after inoculation, all six strains of Trichoderma namely: T. harzianum, T. lignorum, T. koningi, T. viride, T. pseudokoningi and T. resie were able to increase the % protein of bagasse with or without ipil0ipil by 163% - 1,143%. Trichoderma pseudokoningi obtained the highest % protein at 2 and 7 days after inoculation. Thirty days after inoculation, three strains namely: T. harzianum, T. viride and T. pseudokoningi were able to enrich the protein content of bagasse with and without ipil-ipil. T. lignorum increased the protein content of bagasse only in the presence of ipil-ipil.

North Avenue, Diliman, Quezon City, Philippines, 1100
Tel. Nos# (632)928-7990; (632)928-0666

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