Sunday, May 18, 2008

Combination of Strong Base Anion Exchange Resins and Active carbon
for Decolorization of Liquid Sugar

Hendro Santoso M dan Triantarti
(Indoensian Sugar Research Institute-Jl.Pahlawan 25 Pasuruan 67126)


Molasses which contains 60 - 70 % sugars, is a good raw material for liquid sugar but the barrier is its brown colour. One of the technology for making liquid sugar from molasses is a combination of purification process using ion exclusion chromatography and decolorization process using ion exchange resins and active carbon. This paper describes the use of strong base anion exchange resins followed by active carbon treatments for decolorizing liquid sugar resulted from ion exclusion chromatography. Experiments were conducted in complete randomized design with two replications. Two different type of strong base anion resins (IRA 900 and IRA 400) were used and it was followed by active carbon treatments were variation on the amount of active carbon added to liquid sugar was 20; 40; 60; 80 and 100 g per litres of liquid sugar. The observed parameters were ICUMSA colour, turbidity, ash and Total Sugar As Invert (TSAI). The results show that decolorization treatments using a combination of strong base anion resins and active carbon were significantly improved the quality of liquid sugar by reducing of colour, turbidity, ash content and finally increasing the purity of liquid sugar produced. The ICUMSA colour was reduced by 97,46 % using IRA 400 and it was better than using of IRA 900 with colour removal was 90,96 %. Further more by using active carbon between 40 - 100 grams per litre liquid sugar could reduce ICUMSA colour average between 94,42 - 95,73 %. Turbidity removal were between 78,82 to 100 %. The treatment using IRA 900 could remove 2,22 point of ash % brix and it was better than using IRA 400. The ash removal and the increase of sugar purity by treatments using addition of active carbon between 80-100 grams per litre liquid sugar were not significantly different. The ash removal was average 2,18 point of ash %brix and the increase of sugar purity was average 8,28 point of TSAI %brix. Active carbon treatments has only an effect on increasing of TSAI %brix. The choice for the best treatment for decolorization of liquid sugar resulted from purification of molasses using ion exclusion chromatography depends on the requirement of quality from liquid sugar that will be produced.

Key words : Active carbon, Resin, Color, Liquid sugar

Jurnal Ilmu Dasar Volume 7 No.2 Juli 2006 : 86-93

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